Óskar Magnússon



When Oskar Magnusson (b.1954) graduated from high school, the head teacher wrote the foreword for the school yearbook, dividing his class into two groups.

Oskar, however, wasn’t included in either group and the teacher’s description simply ended by saying: “And then there’s Oskar Magnusson: he’s Oskar Magnusson.”

Oskar has had an unusual life. Growing up, he worked for a living during summer vacations and while attending school, as per usual in Iceland. At the age of 17, he was a deck hand on a fishing trawler, as well as a cook and a netman.

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Oskar has written two novels, two short story collections and numerous short stories.

Undercover 4


Novel published in 2022

A brutal murder has been committed on the US military base in south-west Iceland. A middle-aged Icelandic engineer is in police custody, suspected of being the culprit. It falls to lawyer Stefan to take on an unusually complex case in which the Americans demand to be in charge, and threaten to recall their military presence. Stefan conducts the defence with the aplomb and skill for which he has a reputation, although his unflappability is challenged when it comes to beautiful, and dangerous, women. Undercover 4 is the third book about defence attorney Stefan Bjarnason, a rottweiler in the courtroom, but putty in the hands of beautiful women. With no lack of unexpected twists, this is a thrilling ride that brings together weak men, cruel fates and razor-sharp wit.

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Henhouse syndrome


Novel published with JPV Útgáfa in 2019

Þegar mannslík og tvö hundshræ finnast á víðavangi í Fljótshlíð þarf Stefán Bjarnason verjandi að takast á við útsendara CIA, íslensk lögregluyfirvöld, úrvalslið rannsóknarlögreglumanna, ríkissaksóknara, íslenska og erlenda ráðherra, flugfreyjur, mannræningja og ógæfumenn. Inn í söguna blandast einkamál hans, veikleiki fyrir fallegum konum, lævís og lauslát vitni, ljóðelskur sendiherra, harðger dómari og herskáir bændur af Njáluslóð.

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The Defense Attorney


Novel published with Forlagid in 2016

A mother flees with her young daughter from the United States to Iceland in breach of a court ruling. A team of specialists are hired to retrieve the child. They befriend the mother, deceive her by staging a film shoot, and try to kidnap the child in the night.

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The Reckoning

Látið síga piltar

Novel published with Forlagid in 2013

The Reckoning takes place in the present, in a secluded valley in Iceland called Hlidardalur, an oldfashioned farming community that fosters love of the land, solidarity, frugality and industriousness.

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Apabókin – móðurleg matreiðslubók

Published with Forlagid in 2019

Apabókin er sameiginleg matreiðslubók Óskars Magnússonar og móður hans, Ragnheiðar Jónsdóttur. Uppskriftirnar eru allar frá árinu 1972, sígildar, heilnæmar og móðurlegar. Þær voru skráðar ungum matsveini til halds og trausts þegar hann var ráðinn á togbátinn Sæborgu RE sem réri frá Reykjavík. Aldrei hafði hann eldað mat áður annan en saxbauta og fiskibollur úr dós en nú fékk hann það hlutverk að sjá um matseld fyrir átta manna áhöfn. Uppskriftirnar eru allar frá Ragnheiði, skráðar á einni viku áður en haldið var úr höfn. Þeim fylgja leiðbeiningar matsveinsins sem smám saman náði tökum á matseld og sjómennsku. Matreiðslubók af þessu tagi hefur ekki áður komið fyrir sjónir almennings ef frá er talin uppskriftin af skyrinu á Bergþórshvoli. Hún er handskrifuð, full af gagnlegum ábendingum en ekki síður húmor og skemmtilegheitum og jafnvel galskap sem stundum einkenna skrif Óskars Magnússonar.

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Jagúar skáldsins

Published with Forlagid in 2022

Hér segir Óskar Magnússon dásamlegar skemmtisögur af bílnum og eiganda hans, Halldóri Laxness, en hann kynntist báðum og hlutaðist nokkuð til um samferð þeirra.

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I can't see a Thing without my Glasses

Short story collection published with Forlagid in 2010

I Can’t See a Thing Without My Glasses is a collection of short stories by Óskar Magnússon which depict ordinary people in their everyday life.

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Borðaði ég kvöldmat í gær?

Did I Eat Supper last Night?

Short story collection published in 2006 with Citixen.

The name of the short stories catch the readers attention immediately: Gold glitters, Oh ho ho, paper everywhere, The Cook and I only need one shot reflect diverse subjects of Óskar's stories in this collection.

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Oskar's short stories have been selected for publishing internationally.

Out of the Blue

Out of the Blue is the first anthology of Icelandic short fiction published in English translation and features work by twenty of Iceland’s most popular and celebrated living authors. The collection transports readers to Iceland’s timeless and magical island of Vikings and geographical wonders, promising to be a seminal collection that will define Icelandic literature in translation for decades to come.

Oskar's story, The Cook, was published in Out of the Blue and can be read below.

Read The Cook

Best of European Fiction

From Belarus to Wales! Translated from more than 25 languages and highlighting the future luminaries and revolutionaries of international literature. Fans of the series will find everything they’ve grown to love, while new readers will discover what they’ve been missing!

Read Dr. Amlpatz